Your TripReporter team. So what about us?
TripReporter is a labour of love. A site written exclusively by award-winning professional travel writers.
We are in the main, a curious bunch. In our travels, we often uncover places and people that we feel other people need to know about, simply because we have the ear of the locals. We get the opportunities to discover all those little masterpieces because we have the time and the tenacity to seek them out.
Every trip report, every hotel and restaurant review, every piece of equipment, every golf course, and every cruise has been curated and personally experienced.
Sometimes our discoveries are not what some editors are looking for, or they simply don’t fit a ‘brand’ destination. Other times they might be stories that have been edited down from their original state or perhaps, never in the end seen the light of day.
With TripReporter, the shackles are off and we can bring you all the stories and destinations we want to, simply because we can.
Andy Mossack – Founder and Managing Editor.