Trip Reviews

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Carinthia’s Magical Christmas Markets in Austria’s stunning Lake District.

05/12/2024 by .
Carinthia’s Magical Christmas Markets

Andy Mossack goes hunting Christmas Markets in Carinthia but soon discovers wellness, lakes and alpine Advent fun.

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chicago skyline fall

48 hours in Chicago

Depending on your perspective, Chicago is either at the beginning or the end of the iconic Route 66 and although the road was decommissioned in 1985 it is still one of the most travelled routes in the world. Chicago is however still very much alive and kicking and here is a sample of what you […]

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Golf in Madeira

“Remember Andy, the greens here always slope towards the sea.” I was being reminded about this again by my playing partner, who knew every inch of this fabulous course, as I sized up yet another tricky putt,   I suppose a little sigh was not out of order given the situation I found myself in.

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The White Queen the white queen bbc 35155085 1920 1200

Belgium hotel bookings soaring

Critically acclaimed new period drama, The White Queen has caused quite a stir for hoteliers in Belgium, where it was filmed. Belgium hotel bookings specialist, reports there’s been a huge 66% increase week on week in hotel bookings into Ghent since the drama aired its second installment on BBC1 last Sunday.

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Low H4EJ0 27652519 005 The Palace Courtyard Chandani Chowk

The Rambagh Palace, Jaipur

Walk into Jaipur’s Rambagh Palace and you immediately feel like an extra in a costume drama about the last days of the Raj. Turbanned bearers are everywhere, sentries on horseback stand to attention for a maharajah long departed and posh people take tea on the lawn, blissfully removed from the bustle of the Pink City […]

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Sydney to Brisbane along Pacific Highway 1

Sydney to Brisbane along Pacific Highway 1. Sensational Coastal drive.

Andy Mossack drives new South Wales’ legendary Highway 1 Pacific Coast route from Sydney up to Brisbane taking in Byron Bay and the amazing Stockton Dunes

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Golf on the Costa Brava

September 2008 was quite a special month for the Costa Brava. It was, no less, one hundred years old.  Ferran Agullo wrote an article in the esteemed Catalan newspaper La Veu de Catalunya in September 1908, where he described the ‘rugged coastline’ around Girona as the Costa Brava which is Catalan and Spanish for you […]

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