Europe and Middle East, Hotel Reviews, Lugano, Newsletter, Switzerland

The View Lugano. A Heavenly perch with even heavenlier food.

16/07/2024 by .
The View Lugano

Andy Mossack reviews The View Lugano, boutique luxury that comes with unexpectedly brilliant benefits.

The word exclusive is so often bandied about like confetti, but trust me, on this particular occasion, I have no issue with using it. Because The View Lugano just feels exclusive from start to finish.

For starters it lounges across the top of well-heeled Paradiso Hill like a Roman emperor lying back munching grapes, with just its own private residences for company. Even the access road up to it is private, snaking its way upwards around endless curves towards this divine temple of rest and relaxation.

But make no mistake, this is the real deal. The entrance is discreetly concealed, your bags vanish without a trace (rematerializing in your room), and you’re suitably greeted like the VIP you are by your personal ambassador. No lobby check in for you, you’re whisked upstairs and taken directly to your suite (one of only eighteen) to do the paperwork.

room 021 The View Lugano

And what a view. The clue is in the name. Floor to ceiling French windows silently slide open to a spacious terrace, bedecked with rattan furniture, that offers the entire bay of Lugano laid out far below for your delectation.

Back inside, if you can bear to tear yourself away, your suite has a distinct yachtie cabin vibe to it. Varnished naval teak flooring, clean lines, huge bed, Egyptian sheets, Argan oil toiletries, twin sinks and a stand-alone tub. The room’s electronics controlled via a portable tablet. It’s all there. And the nautical theme is no accident, the hotel was originally conceived as private residences designed to mirror a luxury yacht ready to sail on the vast lake it overlooks.

Back downstairs the ultimate discretion continues. A flushed door leads to The View Spa, a mystical haven of wellness and well-being. An 18-metre indoor pool, the water so still it could be a mirror. And just adjacent, a thermal vitality pool complete with hydromassage stations and massage jets. The wellness continues with a Finnish sauna, a hammam and a Himalayan salt wall room for deep skin purification. Of course, a full menu of complex therapies from trained therapists goes without saying. A fully stocked gym completes the fitness picture.

The View Lugano

spa 09

However, one more exclusive benefit has yet to be revealed. Free use of an electric Smart car for the duration of your stay. Now that is a truly impressive addition. Although, when you come to think of it, it makes perfect sense with The View Lugano tucked away so discreetly atop Paradiso Hill. Walking is not really an option, there are no buses up here, so only taxis to town and back.  But a free car? No fuss and no bother.

Your fully charged smart car is available as and when needed (with multiple drivers as standard), perfect for weaving around Lugano’s narrow lanes. I took mine for a drive around the bay one afternoon and the next day left it at the train station while I took the train to Bellinzona. A genius bonus to make guests feel even more special. And if your car’s charge is running low, just come back and jump in another one!

The View Lugano

As evening draws in the mood switches from discreet to chic. Perhaps a cocktail out on the fabulous terrace deck before dinner watching as the lights of Lugano begin to sparkle.

And then the dinner.

A five or seven course tasting menu courtesy of decorated chef Diego Della Schiava and his team of culinary magicians. Restaurant Manager Sylvia: “our tasting menu dishes are not listed, as we want them to be a surprise.” Dietary needs considered of course.

And what a feast of delicious surprises over seven courses.

The View Lugano

The View Lugano

Three little arty snacks to start: chicken skin and pepper tacos, cuttlefish Oreos and chicken liver olives with bacon. Of course, it would be wrong to diminish the surprises by describing each dish. Part of the fun is not knowing what to expect. But this is an exceptional dining masterclass.

From an edible map of Ticino made from ricotta mousse and local cheeses, and a stunning lettuce and pea ravioli, to a turbot with chard, and a lamb rump in hay with wild garlic and asparagus. Just a few examples to get your juices flowing.

The View Lugano

It was all delicious art on a plate from start to finish paired with excellent wines. Sylvia again “we use local and European wines but it’s the food that’s the star. The wines must just help it along.”  An impressive sommelier being unusually modest. Surely not.

I return to my suite feeling more than a little pampered and very special.

Sylvia is back to nurture me at breakfast. A less lavish affair but taken out on the glorious terrace to keep absorbing That View. Although in keeping with the exclusive feel, guests are encouraged to have their breakfast brought to their suites rather than have to mess about with a buffet for heaven’s sake.

terrace 011 1

The View Lugano is a study in style, sophistication and personal service. It’s boutique in as much as you are one of a few select guests and that makes it a very personal experience.

Exclusive even.

Food images (C) Andy Mossack

Tell me more about The View Lugano

The View Lugano, Via Guidino 29, 6900, Lugano Paradiso CH, Switzerland

T: +41 91 210 0000  E:

Nightly rates from 872 CH (around £752)

The View Lugano Restaurant 5 course tasting menu 165 CH (around £142) with Wine pairing 140 CH (around £122) seven course tasting menu 195 CH (around £168) with wine pairing 165 CH (around £142).

Ticino Tourism and Switzerland Tourism have information on all the locations mentioned here and more about Lugano, Ticino and the rest of Switzerland.

The Ticino Ticket  Enjoy free public transport and discounts on attractions for the duration of your stay in any hotel, hostel and campsite affiliated to Ticino Tourism.

Travel Switzerland Book your train tickets from Zurich Airport to Lugano via the Travel Switzerland website.


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