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Square 1682

Square 1682. Culinary excellence in Philly

There is something rather satisfying in being told that what you’ve just ordered has been an ‘inspirational choice’. I feel very pleased with myself that somehow I managed to pick the one item on the Square 1682 Philadelphia menu that surpassed all the others, and took a moment to glory in my success.

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Exploring Slovenia

Shoemakers Bridge was looking particularly pretty in its Christmas party dress, all lit up and sending out fine festive feelings to the folk in Ljubljana Slovenia.. Remarkably different from its former role as the location for dunking misbehaving bakers into the cold murky Ljubljanica river back in the middle ages.

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Saint George Lycabettus Hotel. Athens

Mount Lycabettus which is where you’ll find St. George Lycabettus Hotel has quite a lot going for it. For one thing, it’s the highest point in Athens so you can imagine what the views are like, and it’s mythical past is not to be sneered at either having been the property of Athena at one time, the goddess from whence the city takes its name.

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hd hotel grande bretagne athens gb roof garden restaurant and bar breakfast

GB Roof Garden Restaurant. Hotel Grand Bretagne. Athens.

Being a God in mythical Athens must have been a busy business, as almost everything in this city has been put there by one god or another be it mountain, river or temple. I was feeling particularly god like myself, perched as I was high up in the GB Roof Garden Restaurant at the top of the Grand Bretagne Hotel with all of Athens laid out below me.

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Tallinn Skyline c Andy Mossack

Tallinn. Too tempting to miss.

Tallinn’s Old Town is a chocolate box beautiful, perfectly preserved 13th century medieval port town with genuine cobbled streets, wooden beamed merchant houses, windy lanes and tiny hidden courtyards.

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Guide to 4 best places in Brazil

Brazil is a land of outrageous beauty and stupefying potential. But at its heart, lies pulsating energy that simply refuses to go away.

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