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Rupert Parker goes exploring Sierra Leone, a West African country, now completely recovered from a dreadful civil war. Lumley Beach e1593615539235

Exploring Sierra Leone. Africa

Rupert Parker goes exploring Sierra Leone, a West African country, now completely recovered from a dreadful civil war.

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Riad Spice rooftop

Riad Spice, Marrakech

Michael Edwards visits Riad Spice in the heart of Marrakech’s historic souk. Another memorable addition to the riads owned by English couple Lucie and Mike Wood.

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Cloud and Mountains

Latest Outdoor Hiking Gear Reviewed

Rupert Parker, no stranger to mountain terrain,  reviews some more of the latest outdoor hiking gear.

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Day One in Beigua National Park e1592925085859

Hiking the Alta Via dei Monti Liguria, Italy

Rupert Parker dons his hiking boots and follows the Alta Via long-distance trail that crosses Liguria.

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Sunrise at Ambong Pool Villas size

Insider Guide to Langkawi

The Langkawi archipelago, 99 natural islands and two man-made creations sit in the warm Straits of Malacca seas, to the south of Thailand and just a short ferry journey west of the Malaysian mainland.

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