Hotel Reviews

Exclusive guide to the best hotel reviews from all over the world, independent reviews from award-winning travel writers

Felder Alpin Lodge. Your Exclusive Corner Of The Dolomites

14/08/2024 by .
Felder Alpin Lodge

Amy McPherson enjoys a stay at Felder Alpin Lodge, an exclusive luxury lodge in the Dolomites.

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Il Salviatino. Florence.

Standing on the terrace of Il Salviatino, a stunning 16th century  palazzo in the hills above Florence, you might be forgiven you’ve died and gone to heaven.

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51 Buckingham Gate

51 Buckingham Gate. London

So here you are, riding in a horse and carriage, following the exact route of Kate and William’s royal wedding with your own princess by your side. The only things missing are the crowds and the mounted guards of honour, but you can’t have everything can you.

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Low H4EJ0 27652519 005 The Palace Courtyard Chandani Chowk

The Rambagh Palace, Jaipur

Walk into Jaipur’s Rambagh Palace and you immediately feel like an extra in a costume drama about the last days of the Raj. Turbanned bearers are everywhere, sentries on horseback stand to attention for a maharajah long departed and posh people take tea on the lawn, blissfully removed from the bustle of the Pink City […]

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epic 2

Epic Sana Algarve

Building a 5-star hotel from scratch is quite an epic challenge in anyone’s book, but opening three of them in the last 6 months is on another level entirely.

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Pera Palace Hotel web

The Pera Palace, Istanbul.

The Pera Palace is an Istanbul legend since 1832 when passengers from the Orient Express were carried in sedan chairs up the hill  to stay overnight.

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Contemporary Executive Harbourview Suite

Intercontinental Hotel Hong Kong. Best hotel in the world?

Exceptional service the like of which I have seldom experienced and attention to detail makes this one of the best hotels I have ever stayed in.

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