Trip Gear Reports

Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card. Sharing great images just got really easy.

25/06/2014 by .
The Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card is set to transform the way we share images.

The Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card is set to transform the way we share images.

Today’s smart phones offer  us an endless choice of technical options.  Everything from the latest test score to ordering a take away online. But for me, the biggest leap forward is the quality of the camera lens and image size.

Being able to take a shot and immediately share it over an array of social media platforms is a huge advantage both socially and commercially. But for those of us with a personal or professional preference to lift a hefty DSLR camera to our eye, we’ve had to miss out on those instant sharing caring moments until the Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card that is.

The Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card allows you to use a compatible DSLR or a compact camera just like a smart phone image, and lets you reach those social media platforms just as quickly.

On a recent USA road trip I shot around 1,500 images. Without having to worry about USB adaptors or additional cables, I could simply enable the Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card and, using the installed app, upload the latest set of images to my tablet and smart phone whenever I wanted.


Better still, as the Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card uses its own built in WiFi there was no need to find a network, so uploading images at whatever remote location I may have been at was really not a problem. Apart from the social sharing, perhaps more importantly for me was knowing my images were being quickly backed up to a secondary location and also to my Dropbox account as soon as I reached a network connection.

More and more bespoke cameras are offering a WiFi option now so, as a hardened photographer, I yearn for more people to go back to DSLR cameras and let those smart phones know they can’t have it all their own way!

I really like the Eye-Fi Mobi wireless SD card. How much is it?

The 8GB Eye-GFi Mobi costs £33.99 and is available from

Also available in 16gb and 32gb formats






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