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EU And UK New Border Regulations for 2025.  Essential information about what you need for a great visit.

23/01/2025 by .
EU And UK New Border Regulations for 2025

This year the EU and UK new border regulations will come into force and travellers will have to pay to enter Europe and the UK.

With these EU and UK new border regulations residents of 60 nations – including the UK – will have to contend with EES (Entry/Exit System) and ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System) schemes which will change how we travel around EU and Schengen countries. ETA  (Electronic Travel Authority) will apply to any non-UK traveller wishing to enter the UK.

What is ETIAS, EES and ETA

The EES is a much-delayed new digital automated check process installed at the borders of all EU and Schengen countries except Cyprus and Ireland. It will biometrically register travellers’ fingerprints and facial scans each time they cross a border into or out of the EU instead of the current manual passport checks and stamping process.

ETIAS is a visa-waiver scheme applied to British and other non-EU/non-Schengen country citizens to allow them to enter the EU. It will also apply for travel to the four non-EU Schengen countries. UK residents will not need an ETIAS to visit Ireland, as it is part of the Common Travel Area. Your ETIAS travel authorisation is valid for three years or until the travel document you used in your application expires – whichever comes first. It is for short-term stays: a valid ETIAS travel authorisation entitles you to stay in the European countries requiring ETIAS for up to 90 days within any 180-day period.

ETA is the UKs new Electronic Travel Authorisation system which will be in operation from 2 April 2025 and will apply to any non-UK travellers looking to enter the UK. It will cost £10 and will allow entry to the UK for up to 6 months for tourism, visiting family and friends, business or short-term study. Irish residents are exempt as it is part of the Common Travel Area.

TEU And UK New Border Regulations for 2025

How can I get an ETIAS, EES and ETA?

To comply with all these EU and UK new border regulations you can apply online at the official ETIAS website (make sure you use this one and no others to ensure your protection from fraudsters) and the official EES website (once the system is finally launched )  and processing should take place within minutes.

The ETIAS pass requires a payment card for the €7 fee. You can use a variety of online payment options to pay the fee. Applicants who are under 18 or above 70 years of age are exempt from this payment. Also exempt are family members of EU citizens or of non-EU nationals who have the right to move freely throughout the European Union.

To use the EES system you will need to have a biometric passport – a passport containing a chip with your biometric information collected from you at the moment you applied for the passport.

The UKs ETA system will be launched 2nd April 2025 and carry a £10 fee for entry into the UK for 6 months. Everyone travelling requires an ETA, including babies and children. You can apply on behalf of other people. The fastest way to apply is using the UK ETA app available on Google Play and the App Store.

For further information on these EU and UK new border regulations visit Travel Europe (EES/ETIAS) and (ETA).



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