Author Archives: Rupert Parker

Rupert Parker

Rupert Parker

Walking the London Loop

10/08/2020 by .
walking the London Loop,

In walking the London Loop, TripReporter’s hiker in residence Rupert Parker walks the last three sections of the 24 section London LOOP.

Read the full story here

Exploring Sierra Leone. Africa

01/07/2020 by .
Rupert Parker goes exploring Sierra Leone, a West African country, now completely recovered from a dreadful civil war. Lumley Beach e1593615539235

Rupert Parker goes exploring Sierra Leone, a West African country, now completely recovered from a dreadful civil war.

Read the full story here

Latest Outdoor Hiking Gear Reviewed

24/06/2020 by .
Cloud and Mountains

Rupert Parker, no stranger to mountain terrain,  reviews some more of the latest outdoor hiking gear.

Read the full story here

Hiking the Alta Via dei Monti Liguria, Italy

23/06/2020 by .
Day One in Beigua National Park e1592925085859

Rupert Parker dons his hiking boots and follows the Alta Via long-distance trail that crosses Liguria.

Read the full story here

Walking the Camino Primitivo, Spain

17/06/2020 by .

Hiking the Swiss Alps in Kandersteg

15/06/2020 by .