
Exclusive guide to the best holiday destinations in Africa, independent reviews from award-winning travel writers

Charming, historic Tulbagh, Western Cape.

23/10/2019 by .

The Fez Cooking School

08/10/2019 by .
3 cooking in fez photo by omar chennafi please credit 24045816877 o

Michael Edwards learns some of the secrets of Moroccan cuisine after a culinary master class at the Fez Cooking School.

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On the set of Star Wars Mos Espa. Tunisia

04/12/2018 by .

A Photo Safari in Botswana. Unforgettable safari experiences.

03/11/2018 by .

Climbing Table Mountain With An Expert Guide

25/09/2018 by .
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From the white sandy beaches of Clifton Beach, along the Atlantic Ocean in Cape Town, it appears as if the 12 Apostles are eyeing out the bikini-clad beauties. In this case, the 12 Apostles are a range of buttresses that form part of The Table Mountain National Park. And, in this aspect, one of the best routes to climb the mountain.

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Kalahari Trails Meerkat Sanctuary

02/05/2018 by .
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Few people would consider retiring to the remote inferno of the Kalahari, most prefer a cosy McCarthy and Stone apartment within walking distance of Waitrose. But 78 year-old Professor Anne Rasa is redefining the Real Marigold Hotel concept.

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Tunis for the Weekend. A wonderful weekend destination

26/04/2018 by .

Insider Guide to Cape Town

18/04/2018 by .

Guide to Zanzibar

22/02/2018 by .
guide to zanzibar

Unlike some other Indian Ocean destinations, I could mention – you know who you are – this guide to Zanzibar has more history than you can shake a guidebook at.

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The Wild Side of Zambia

24/05/2017 by .
Elephant watch South Luangwa walking safaria

“An endless stream of wildlife will keep you enthralled” they promise and  before  I’ve done more than dump my luggage in the stylish reception area of  Mfuwe Lodge overlooking hippo and croc filled lagoons in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park it’s time to test that out.

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